Thursday, December 15, 2005

800x600 resolution or less - anyone?

How many of the visitors to my blog are using a 800x600 resolution or
something less than that?

I have been using 1024x768 resolution since a long time now. I think
my blog with the present template doesnot look good with this
resolution. There is too much of blank space on either side and a lot
of space wasted. It looks good with a 800x600 resolution. If most of
my visitors to my blog are on 1024x768 resolution, then I can safely
change my template to this resolution. People using lesser resolutions
get scroll bars to see the full page.

While I have ways to find out which user-agent/browser the visitors
are using, I dont think there is a way for me to know the display
resolution each one is using. So, please leave a comment with your
current resolution so that I can decide if I need to change.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

The $225 Million Typo

Typos, typos and more typos... we are so used to them. But after
seeing this typo, I will be more careful next time I write/type something.. well..
not so on my blog.. but on financial transactions.

First Snow of the Season - 3

Originally uploaded by rmutyala.

First Snow of the Season - 2

Originally uploaded by rmutyala.

First Snow of the Season - 1

Originally uploaded by rmutyala.

First snow for the season in Oklahoma. This was taken on 8th when I was in Oklahoma.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Freelancing or FullTime?

Updating the blog after a long time.. last couple of weeks have been
hectic.. very hectic.. with current assignment ending on Dec 23rd, I
was on the look out for new assignment. and this being a december with
christmas and new year around, not many will be looking to add new
members to the teams.. so I was on the lookout and luckily got a
project starting on Dec 12th. means leaving my persent project 2 weeks
in advance.. which has its own troubles.. but finally I'm here.. in
the Airport.. having left the previous project in advance and heading
into the unknown in Houston.

Sometimes I feel the life as a freelancer sucks. but I somehow am
hesitant to take a full time position.. even with those relatively
good fulltime offers.. infact got one today. which put me in a state
of eternal confusion.. the centre head having a personal talk with
me.. and then asking me to join his team.. says that he has a project
that lasts one and half year.. one and half year?? now thats why I am
hesitent.. one and half year in the same project.. thats not my cup of
tea.. having to work with the same faces.. same code.. thats one
reason I think freelancing life is kewl.. going to a new place every
few months is exciting.. culling on the net for cheap flight deals,
good accomodation, adjusting to the new city and new people.. wow..
its exciting.. great fun though sometimes a little troublesome.

luckily for me, I have a friend in Houston. Though he stays far from
my project location, its still ok. He will be at the airport to pick
me up.. and saving me from the blues of adjusting to the new city.
Contacting him was another big story.. I had his mobile number..
called him and it was going to voice message.. put message about 5
times.. and almost given up hope.. i also put him a mail just in
case.. and luckily out of the blue.. he calls me yesterday midnight.
and tells that he recieved my mail. and this phone was broken. and
will be coming to pick me up in the airport.. WOW!..

Also looked at some accomodation options at Houston. Houston is a big
city.. fourth largest in US in population.. and I'm excited being
thr.. after coming from Oklahoma City..

To sign it off.. I'm am writing this in the airport.. but just typing
in it here.. will still have to publish to my blog once I reach
Houston. Dont know why these airports dont have a Wi-Fi. I see atleast
3-4 unprotected Wi-Fis even in my apartment.. no big deal putting one
in an airport for the convinience of passengers.. I saw one at
HongKong.. and vaguely remember seeing one in Changi.. well.. Taipei
had one too.. why not these airports in US.. guess most of them have
it.. and Will Rogers 'World' Airport is not so worldly..

And I had to pay for overweight..:( Its $25 per bag.. both my bags are
overweight.. but luckily with the suggestion of the guy at the
counter.. I shifting some of lugguage into one bag.. so one bag with
overweight and one with normal weight.. so finally I saved $25.. shud
I say saved.. I definitely have lot of junk in my bags. and its not
worth it.. but I think I shud be used to paying these overweight money
often.. with on the road.. (shud I say on the air) all the time.. and
hey next time I move.. I decided it will be in my car.. yes I have
been looking to buy one in houston.